"Always Choose Kindness"
Lynn Marie Hayday

Hello and Welcome to my website!
I am Lynn Marie, originally from Buffalo, NY, where I had a long career as a registered nurse and Reiki practitioner.
Having studied at the Arthur Findlay College in Stanstead, England, and demonstrated mediumship in the United States, Canade, and Europe, I am now a year-round practicing resident medium in Lily Dale, NY, the world's largest Spiritualist community and center for the study and philosophy of the religion of Spiritualism.
Presently a member of the Lily Dale Fire Department Auxiliary, I have served on the Board of Directors of Lily Dale Assembly, Inc. as well as on the Environmental Committee.
I look forward to meeting you.
Bookings by phone only
Payment may be made
with cash in-person or online
4 Second Street
Lily Dale, NY 14752